Industrial Products
Hyspan maintains a
staff of engineers and
quality personnel
experienced in the
design, development
and testing of metal
bellows expansion
joints, packed
slip expansion joints
and ball joints
for industrial
including the most severe operating
and environmental
conditions. Company standards and registrations include the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code including a "U" stamp, the European Pressure Equipment Directive and the Canadian Boiler and Pressure Vessel Registration. The company is a member of the Expansion Joint Manufacturers Association.
Heating Ventilation & Air Conditioning Products
Hyspan is the single source for expansion compensation and seismic connections in HVAC piping - the only manufacturer of metal hose assemblies, metal bellows expansion joints, packed slip expansion joints, ball joints and pipe guides. Our complete line of products covers the entire range of sizes and operating conditions. Let our products be your piping flexibility solution.
Original Equipment & Defense Bellows
& Hose Assemblies.
The Hyspan engineering staff has the experience, design tools and development facilities to design and evaluate metal bellows and hose assemblies for OEM applications, military specifications, and scientific projects. Quality systems are maintained to military standards and the European PED. Our fabrication facilities include metal forming, machining, brazing and welding. Hyspan is the manufacturer of service parts for Anamet/Anaconda Metal Hose, Flexible Metal Hose as well as our own products