Series 6500
Perma-Pax Packed Expansion Joints
Series 6500 Packed Expansion Joints are designed for installations where the principal movement is axial. Standard single and dual designs are available 2" through 24" diameter with travels of 4", 8" and 12" compression for single designs, and 8", 16" and 24" compression for dual designs. Service conditions are 150 and 300 psig to 500°F. Welded and flanged end connections are standard, with grooved ends optional.
Series 6500 expansion joints incorporate design features that are not available from other manufacturers. They include a one piece body which eliminates a circumferential weld, line bored aluminum bronze metal inner and outer guides, and an optimized sealing system consisting of carbon fiber graphite impregnated braided packing combined with Grafoil® Flexible Graphite injected packing.
These features combine to provide a standard product with the lowest seal resistance force available, self lubrication, and precision internal metallic guides. Series 6500 products are available from stock and include a Five year full replacement warranty.
Series 1500 Laminated Bellows Expansion Joints are available for steel pipe systems 2 through 14 with 2 or 3 travel.
Series 3500 Externally Pressurized Expansion Joints are available 2 through 24 diameter with 4, 6 & 8 travel for singles and 8, 12 & 16 travel for duals.
Series 8500 Expansion Compensators are available 3/4 through 4 diameter. Steel pipe and copper tube configurations with travels of 2 or 3.
Canadian Registration
This product is registered throughout Canada under CRN 0D9278.59870YTNADD32
The off-set method incorporating
Hyspan Barco Ball Joints provides a viable alternative to packed and metal bellows axial expansion joints when there is a 90°change in pipe direction or a loop can be added to a pipe run. Ball joints do not require main anchors and extensive guiding.